remote interpretation center

We rent our hub so that remote simultaneous interpretation can be transmitted with excellent quality by streaming or video-conference. Audio through microphones and hi-fi consoles amplify the broadcast signal received by the audience on Zoom or other platforms.

The excellent audio quality is an indispensable complement to appreciate the professional level of the interpreters.

Durante la pandemia, los eventos son virtuales y se requiere una instalación adecuada y equipos profesionales para que el evento pueda transmitirse con éxito. Nuestro hub consta de micrófonos de cuello de ganso, consolas digitales y monitores de retorno para que los intérpretes puedan traducir en un entorno similar a un típico evento presencial.

Compact storage
and ergonomic equipment

Our infrared multichannel equipment is stored in super light boxes that carry a total of 100 receivers, they are interspersed with accreditation cards and headphones, taking up less space in a compact and easy-to-transport design.

Portability for groups
on the move

When it comes to groups on the move, we recommend our laptops that add agility and professionalism when communicating, facilitating a dynamic exchange between people who do not speak the same language.

All batteries can
and must be recycled.

According to data released by Greenpeace, up to 90% of its materials can be recovered from rechargeable batteries, while from ordinary batteries about 50%. That is why we at McDonough have not used ordinary batteries for 10 years, demonstrating our constant contribution to helping the environment.


We provide a variety of audio options according to your needs to create the perfect environment for your event. Our professional audio inventory includes:
  • Wireless microphones
  • Speakers
  • Analog and digital mixing consoles
  • Subwooofers
  • Amplifiers
  • Wireless Delegate Microphones
  • Line Array
Brands: DiGiCo / Yamaha / Sennheiser / Shure / db audiotechnik

Scenario design

Produce conceptual ideas that support the content and message you want to convey at your event through visual elements with LED screens and stage design.

With the constant emergence of new technologies, at McDonough we seek to create a scenario that generates a holographic technological effect. The combination of LED screens, lighting, lasers and effects, have become the main concept of stage design today, generating a notion of the future on the stage and at the event. We are increasingly looking for technologies so that the audience can enjoy the best visual effect.


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