Our courses

For more than 40 years we have been training Argentine interpreters. Our students acquire a comprehensive training learning techniques used in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.

We offer postgraduate courses and specialized workshops in different technical areas such as energy, oil, telecommunications and medicine. Students are trained with material from the United Nations, the European Union and other national and international conferences and events, both in the diplomatic and business fields. We have an audio library of more than 5,000 recorded audios in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Italian, among other languages. We offer a three-year Diploma in Conference Interpretation, in addition to a one-year residency or workshop. An intermediate degree in consecutive interpreting is issued upon passing the second year course.

Online courses

The virtual courses bring together many students from Buenos Aires and the interior of Argentina as well as from various countries of the world such as Brazil, Italy, Uruguay, Mexico, China, France, Belgium, Switzerland, England, Poland, Russia, and the USA. among others.

They are taught on the Zoom platform with the simultaneous interpretation module and our e-learning platform where students view all the material and practice in their virtual class with the teacher and subsequently exercise with the platform asynchronously.

An important subject of the course is the auditory training of different accents of the English language, native or foreign. To this is added another fundamental area that is the terminology of conferences, where students study various topics to which interpreters are generally exposed and in this way they are able to interpret with greater precision and style. Also, in the first year, students are trained in consecutive interpreting, note-taking, and sight translation. The courses are face-to-face, remote and blended through our virtual platform.

Cada alumno es único, por eso nuestra enseñanza es individualizada. Hago un seguimiento personalizado de cada uno para que pueda desarrollar su potencial.

Florencia McDonough

It is very enriching to train interpreters in Europe, Latin America and Asia, it allows me to develop and apply different methodologies.

Martín Soriano

My experience in the booth has given me the opportunity to learn a lot and it is very gratifying to be able to pass that knowledge on to the students today.

Tatiana Correa

Our teachers

McDonough is the oldest school in Argentina. We have specialized professors in the teaching of conference interpreting with PhDs at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, a world pioneer in interpreting training and research. The teachers are active professional interpreters with several years of experience in the market. The Study Plan is designed based on what an interpreter needs to work both in Argentina and abroad.
Students watch lectures and see professional interpreters in action, to see how they resolve the complexities of phrases and sentences from various speakers in real time.

Every great acting teacher,
como todo gran intérprete,
must love what he does
to captivate your audience
when transmitting the information.

Florencia McDonough
Director of the School of Interpretation

Each student is unique, that is why our teaching is individualized. We do a personalized follow-up of each one so that you can develop your potential.

Florencia McDonough

It is very enriching to train interpreters in Europe, Latin America and Asia, it allows me to develop and apply different methodologies.


My experience in the booth has given me the opportunity to learn a lot and it is very gratifying to be able to pass that knowledge on to the students today.

Cecilia Migliorini

Our teachers

McDonough is the oldest school in Argentina. We have specialized professors in the teaching of conference interpreting with PhDs at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, a world pioneer in interpreting training and research. The teachers are active professional interpreters with several years of experience in the market. The Study Plan is designed based on what an interpreter needs to work both in Argentina and abroad.
Students watch lectures and see professional interpreters in action, to see how they resolve the complexities of phrases and sentences from various speakers in real time.

El legado de nuestra mentora

The history of the McDonough Simultaneous Interpretation School.

Lily McDonough was a pioneer and a reference in conference interpretation in Argentina. She was a disciple and right hand of Emilio Stevanovich, the first interpreter to teach interpretation in our country.

In 1980, Lily McDonough launched her own acting course to train and employ many generations of interpreters on whom she left her unforgettable mark. He dedicated his life to the profession and to his students, whom he accompanied in their first steps and in their professional development, teaching with great vocation to work as a team. He instilled in the interpreters a love for the profession, to be persevering, to seek excellence, to study, and to always seek quality and precision.

En 1979, fundó la Asociación de Intérpretes de conferencias de Argentina (ADICA) y fue su primera presidenta. Cuando falleció en 1998 su enseñanza debía continuar y fue así que su sobrina Florencia McDonough y su equipo decidieron continuar con su tarea y fundar McDonough Interpretación Simultánea.



Consultation of courses



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